WON: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for WON?

Need another word that means the same as “won”? Find 2 synonyms and 30 related words for “won” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Won” are: north korean won, south korean won

Won as a Noun

Definitions of "Won" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “won” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • The basic unit of money in North Korea.
  • A victory (as in a race or other competition.
  • The basic unit of money in South Korea.
  • Something won (especially money.

Synonyms of "Won" as a noun (2 Words)

north korean wonThe region of the United States lying to the north of the Mason-Dixon line.
south korean wonThe region of the United States lying to the south of the Mason-Dixon line.

Associations of "Won" (30 Words)

accomplishmentThe action of accomplishing something.
Long distance running was another of her accomplishments.
achieveTo gain with effort.
He achieved his ambition to become a press photographer.
achievementThe process or fact of achieving something.
Assessing ability in terms of academic achievement.
achieverA person who achieves a high or specified level of success.
His son would never be the achiever that his father was.
acquirementThe action of acquiring something.
The acquirement of self control.
acquisitionAn ability that has been acquired by training.
The acquisition of wealth.
attainSucceed in achieving (something that one has worked for.
Clarify your objectives and ways of attaining them.
attainmentThe action or fact of achieving a goal towards which one has worked.
He spoke of the low educational attainments of his workforce.
blowoutAn easy victory.
The game had been a blowout.
clinchFasten a rope or angling line with a clinch knot.
Breaking from a clinch he crossed with his right.
competitionA business relation in which two parties compete to gain customers.
He wanted to know what the competition was doing.
competitiveInvolving competition or competitiveness.
Highly competitive sales representative.
contentionA point asserted as part of an argument.
The captured territory was the main area of contention between the two countries.
contestAn occasion on which a winner is selected from among two or more contestants.
She declared her intention to contest the presidency.
gainWin something through one’s efforts.
She gained 20 pounds when she stopped exercising.
gamelyIn a brave, spirited way.
I scribbled madly gamely trying to keep up.
jubilantFeeling or expressing great happiness and triumph.
A large number of jubilant fans ran on to the pitch.
jubilationA feeling of extreme joy.
Unbelievable scenes of jubilation.
opposingIn conflict or competition with someone or something.
Opponent or opposing armies.
outmaneuverDefeat by more skillful maneuvering.
The English troops outmaneuvered the Germans.
rejoicingGreat joy; jubilation.
The ban was lifted in 1990 amid general rejoicing.
rivalryCompetition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field.
There always has been intense rivalry between the clubs.
succeedAttain fame, wealth, or social status.
He would succeed Hawke as Prime Minister.
successAn attainment that is successful.
The good or ill success of their maritime enterprises.
triumphTo express great joy.
The marriage had been a triumph of togetherness.
triumphantHaving won a battle or contest; victorious.
Two of their triumphant Cup team.
trophySomething given as a token of victory.
victorA code word representing the letter V, used in radio communication.
There were many dead on the field but no clear victor.
victoryA successful ending of a struggle or contest.
Clinched a victory.
winnerA card that can be relied on to win a trick.
Anyone taking out a fixed rate mortgage could be on to a winner.

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