FALL APART: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FALL APART?

Need another word that means the same as “fall apart”? Find 30 related words for “fall apart” in this overview.

Associations of "Fall apart" (30 Words)

abateMake less active or intense.
The storm abated.
awayOut of the way especially away from one s thoughts.
The Museum has shifted its emphasis away from research towards exhibitions.
collapseCollapse due to fatigue an illness or a sudden attack.
He had an operation to collapse his lung.
declensionThe class to which a noun or adjective is assigned according to the manner of this variation.
The declension of the new generation.
decline(in the grammar of Latin, Greek, and certain other languages) state the forms of (a noun, pronoun, or adjective) corresponding to case, number, and gender.
He declined to join the group on a hike.
declivityA downward slope.
A thickly wooded declivity.
decreaseDecrease in size extent or range.
He decreased his staff.
descendCome as if by falling.
He was scrupulous in refusing to descend to misrepresentation.
descentA downward slope or bend.
His descents on the manager of any shop he took a fancy to visit.
deteriorateBecome worse or disintegrate.
Her condition deteriorated.
diminishMake or become less.
The trial has aged and diminished him.
diminutionChange toward something smaller or lower.
The disease shows no signs of diminution.
diveA shabby or sleazy bar or similar establishment.
He got into a fight in some dive.
downfallA sudden decline in strength or number or importance.
The crisis led to the downfall of the government.
downturnA decline in economic, business, or other activity.
The market took a downturn.
dropA section of theatrical scenery lowered from the flies a drop cloth or drop curtain.
Various guest DJs drop quality tunes both old and new.
farTo an advanced stage or point.
The far north of Scotland.
goingThe act of departing.
Don t lose track of your child s comings and goings.
lessenMake or become less; diminish.
The warmth of the afternoon lessened.
mitigationThe action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.
The identification and mitigation of pollution.
plungeFall abruptly.
For a moment the scene was illuminated then it was plunged back into darkness.
rundownA concluding summary (as in presenting a case before a law court.
He gave his teammates a rundown on the opposition.
slumpA period of substantial failure or decline.
United slumped to another one nil defeat.
spillAn instance of a liquid spilling or being spilt.
He had a nasty spill on the ice.
strayA stray person or thing especially a domestic animal.
Men who stray are seen as more exciting and desirable.
Pellets were then submersed in agar.
subsideWear off or die down.
The mud subsides when the waters become calm.
toppleCause to topple or tumble by pushing.
The push almost toppled him to the ground.
tumbleDry washing in a tumble dryer.
The machine gentle tumbles the clothes in cool air for ten minutes.
weakenLessen the strength of.
The prisoner s resistance weakened after seven days.

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