FALLEN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FALLEN?

Need another word that means the same as “fallen”? Find 18 synonyms and 30 related words for “fallen” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Fallen” are: immoral, loose, promiscuous, unchaste, sinful, depraved, degenerate, impure, tainted, disgraced, ruined, shamed, dead, murdered, slain, slaughtered, expired, deceased

Fallen as an Adjective

Definitions of "Fallen" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “fallen” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Having fallen in or collapsed.
  • Having sinned.
  • Having dropped by the force of gravity.
  • Killed in battle.
  • Having lost your chastity.
  • (of a soldier) killed in battle.
  • (of a woman) regarded as having lost her honour through engaging in a sexual relationship outside marriage.

Synonyms of "Fallen" as an adjective (18 Words)

dead(of a glass or bottle) empty or no longer being used.
A dead telephone line.
deceasedRecently dead.
The will of Christopher Smith deceased.
degenerateHaving lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline.
Degenerate offshoots from the main line of vertebrate progress.
depravedMorally corrupt; wicked.
Depraved criminals.
disgracedHaving fallen from favour or a position of power or honour; discredited.
The disgraced city financier.
expiredHaving come to an end or become void after passage of a period of time.
An expired passport.
immoralNot conforming to accepted standards of morality.
They considered colonialism immoral.
impureHaving a physical or moral blemish so as to make impure according to dietary or ceremonial laws.
A parasite that thrives in impure water.
looseEmptying easily or excessively.
Pockets bulging with loose change.
murderedKilled unlawfully.
Lay a wreath on murdered Lincoln s bier.
promiscuousCasual and unrestrained in sexual behavior.
Clinton was criticized for his promiscuous solicitation of campaign money.
ruinedDoomed to extinction.
His ruined career.
shamedSuffering shame.
sinfulCharacterized by iniquity; wicked because it is believed to be a sin.
A sinful waste.
slainKilled slain is formal or literary as in.
A picture of St George and the slain dragon.
slaughteredExtremely drunk.
Jim got absolutely slaughtered.
taintedTouched by rot or decay.
Tainted bacon.
unchasteRelating to or engaging in sexual activity, especially of an illicit or extramarital nature.
Unchaste conduct.

Usage Examples of "Fallen" as an adjective

  • Fallen leaves covered the forest floor.
  • A fallen building.
  • To honor fallen soldiers.
  • Fallen human nature.
  • Sat on a fallen tree trunk.
  • A fallen woman with a chequered past.
  • Fallen heroes.
  • A fallen woman.

Associations of "Fallen" (30 Words)

abateMake less active or intense.
Nothing abated his crusading zeal.
absciseRemove or separate by abscission.
autumnThe period from the autumn equinox to the winter solstice.
The countryside is ablaze with colour in autumn.
collapseCollapse due to fatigue an illness or a sudden attack.
It feels as if the slightest pressure would collapse it.
declensionThe inflection of nouns and pronouns and adjectives in Indo-European languages.
The declension of the new generation.
declineA gradual decrease; as of stored charge or current.
The company declined to comment.
declivityA downward slope.
A thickly wooded declivity.
decreaseThe amount by which something decreases.
The aisles were decreased in height.
descendMake a sudden attack on.
The army had descended into chaos.
descentA downward slope or bend.
The ancient empire s slow descent into barbarism.
diminishLessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of.
The trial has aged and diminished him.
diminutionThe statement of a theme in notes of lesser duration (usually half the length of the original.
The disease shows no signs of diminution.
diveA plunge head first into water.
The plane dived as it was buffeted by turbulence at 34 000 ft.
downA chance for a team to advance the ball ending when the ball carrier is tackled or the ball becomes out of play A team must advance at least ten yards in a series of four downs in order to keep possession.
I ll put you down for the evening shift.
downturnA decline in economic, business, or other activity.
A downturn in the housing market.
dripA method of brewing coffee by dripping boiling water through a filter filled with ground coffee beans.
His voice dripped sarcasm.
dropAn instance of falling or dropping.
The charges against him were dropped last year.
fallingDecreasing in number, amount, intensity, or quality.
Falling temperatures.
foliageLeaf-like architectural ornament.
Healthy green foliage.
glideMake an unpowered flight either in a glider or in an aircraft with engine failure.
Slide your hands firmly across the shoulders then glide them down.
lessenDecrease in size, extent, or range.
The warmth of the afternoon lessened.
plungeA steep and rapid fall.
A car swerved to avoid a bus and plunged into a ravine.
rundownAn analysis or summary of something by a knowledgeable person.
He gave his teammates a rundown on the opposition.
sinkCause a ship to sink.
You can relax on the veranda as the sun sinks low.
slumpSit, lean, or fall heavily and limply.
He had survived two world wars and a slump.
spillLiquid that is spilled.
Clean up the spills.
subside(of the ground) cave in; sink.
The valleys subside.
toppleCause to topple or tumble by pushing.
She toppled over when I touched her.
tumbleDry washing in a tumble dryer.
The machine gentle tumbles the clothes in cool air for ten minutes.
weakenLessen the strength of.
His resistance had weakened.

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