Need another word that means the same as “heaps”? Find 14 synonyms and 30 related words for “heaps” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Heaps” are: dozens, gobs, lashings, loads, lots, oodles, piles, rafts, scads, scores, slews, stacks, tons, wads
Heaps as a Noun
Definitions of "Heaps" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “heaps” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A large number or amount or extent.
- A car that is old and unreliable.
- A collection of objects laid on top of each other.
- A large number or amount.

Synonyms of "Heaps" as a noun (14 Words)
dozens | The cardinal number that is the sum of eleven and one. |
gobs | A large number or amount. |
lashings | A copious amount of something, especially food or drink. Chocolate cake with lashings of cream. |
loads | A deposit of valuable ore occurring within definite boundaries separating it from surrounding rocks. |
lots | A large number or amount or extent. Made lots of new friends. |
oodles | A very great number or amount of something. If only I had oodles of cash. |
piles | A large number or amount. |
rafts | A large number or amount or extent. |
scads | A large number or amount. They raised scads of children. |
scores | Grounds. |
slews | A large number or amount. |
stacks | An orderly pile. She amassed stacks of newspapers. |
tons | A large number or amount. |
wads | A large number or amount. |

Associations of "Heaps" (30 Words)
accumulate | Get or gather together. The toxin accumulated in their bodies. |
accumulation | A mass or quantity of something that has gradually gathered or been acquired. The accumulation of wealth. |
agglomeration | A mass or collection of things; an assemblage. The arts centre is an agglomeration of theatres galleries shops restaurants and bars. |
amass | Gather together in a crowd or group. He amassed a fortune estimated at close to a million pounds. |
assemble | (of male moths) gather for mating in response to a pheromone released by a female. Assemble your colleagues. |
batch | Batch together assemble or process as a batch. I had nothing to do but batch the reports. |
bunch | Form into a bunch. She bunched her fingers into a fist. |
bundle | Make into a bundle. They bundled out into the corridor. |
caisson | A chest or wagon for holding or conveying ammunition. |
cluster | Come together as in a cluster or flock. Ten clusters from all the primary health centres were selected. |
collection | A sum of money raised during a church or charity collection. The collection of data. |
compost | Treat soil with compost. Sweet peppers can be grown singly in pots of potting compost. |
congregate | Gather into a crowd or mass. Some 4 000 demonstrators had congregated at a border point. |
flock | Come together as in a cluster or flock. A flock of gulls. |
jam | A hold obtained by jamming a part of the body such as a hand or foot into a crack in the rock. Mum dad and I jammed into the pickup truck. |
load | Place a load or large quantity of something on or in a vehicle ship container etc. In addition to their own food they must carry a load of up to eighty pounds. |
lot | A plot of land assigned for sale or for a particular use. It s just one lot of rich people stealing from another. |
multitude | A large indefinite number. A multitude of TV antennas. |
nucleate | Form into a nucleus. Nucleated cells. |
overload | Become overloaded. Don t overload the car. |
pack | Seal with packing. The murder trial packed the court house. |
pile | Place or lay as if in a pile. A Victorian Gothic pile. |
plenitude | An abundance. The plenitude of the Pope s powers. |
sheaf | A bundle of objects of one kind, especially papers. The corn and barley had to be sheafed and stooked. |
stack | Arrange in stacks. Stack the deck of cards. |
stacked | (of a woman) having large breasts. Full sized washer dryers are replacing stacked units. |
superimpose | Place on top of. Can you superimpose the two images. |
swarm | Of flying insects move in or form a swarm. A swarm of insects obscured the light. |
ton | A unit of weight or volume of sea cargo equal to a metric ton 1 000 kg or 40 cu ft. I feel tons better. |