LOOKED DOWN UPON: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LOOKED DOWN UPON?

Need another word that means the same as “looked down upon”? Find 30 related words for “looked down upon” in this overview.

Associations of "Looked down upon" (30 Words)

appearAppear as a character on stage or appear in a play etc.
The symbol appears in many paintings of the period.
askanceWith a side or oblique glance.
The reformers looked askance at the mystical tradition.
browseShop around; not necessarily buying.
This book is a useful browse for a new worker in the field.
contentedSatisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are.
A contented smile.
descend(of a road, path, or flight of steps) slope or lead downwards.
The militia descended on Rye.
descendingMoving or sloping downwards.
A rocky descending path.
descentA downward slope or bend.
The ancient empire s slow descent into barbarism.
fallingBecoming lower or less in degree or value.
Falling incomes.
fixate(in Freudian theory) arrest (a person or their libidinal energy) at an immature stage, causing an obsessive attachment.
Erotomaniacs are convinced that the person they have fixated on loves them in return.
gapeA disease of birds with gaping of the mouth as a symptom caused by infestation with gapeworm.
A large duffel bag gaped open by her feet.
gawkAn awkward stupid person.
They were gawking at some pin up.
gazeA long fixed look.
Offices screened from the public gaze.
glanceThrow a glance at take a brief look at.
I stole a glance at John.
glimpseCatch a glimpse of or see briefly.
She caught a glimpse of the ocean.
hairstyleA particular way in which a person’s hair is cut or arranged.
lowLow or inferior in station or quality.
Low ceilings.
observingQuick to notice; showing quick and keen perception.
onlookerSomeone who looks on.
A crowd of fascinated onlookers.
peekA secret look.
She sneaked a peek at the map.
probation(law) a way of dealing with offenders without imprisoning them; a defendant found guilty of a crime is released by the court without imprisonment subject to conditions imposed by the court.
Probation is part of the sentencing process.
rummageA jumble of things to be given away.
He gave the attic a good rummage but couldn t find his skis.
searchingDiligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation.
Searching insights.
seemSeem to be true probable or apparent.
I seem to remember giving you very precise instructions.
sidelongTo, toward or at one side.
Sidelong glances.
sidewaysTo, toward or at one side.
A picture lit sideways.
smugHaving or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one’s achievements.
He was feeling smug after his win.
squintBe cross eyed have a squint or strabismus.
Let me have a squint.
stareA long fixed or vacant look.
She gave him a cold stare.
staringOpen and fixed as if in fear or wonder.
Staring eyes.
watchThe officers and crew on duty during a watch.
I guess I can rest a while with you here to watch over me.

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