Need another word that means the same as “nourished”? Find 30 related words for “nourished” in this overview.
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Associations of "Nourished" (30 Words)
calorie | The energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water through 1 C equal to one thousand small calories and often used to measure the energy value of foods. |
commissariat | A department for the supply of food and equipment. |
consumption | The action of using up a resource. A daily consumption of 15 cigarettes. |
diet | Follow a regimen or a diet as for health reasons. Screen violence is becoming the staple diet of the video generation. |
dietary | A regulated daily food allowance. Dietary advice for healthy skin and hair. |
dietitian | A specialist in the study of nutrition. |
digest | A substance or mixture obtained by digestion. I cannot digest milk products. |
edible | Any substance that can be used as food. The shrub has small edible berries. |
eutrophication | Excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, frequently due to run-off from the land, which causes a dense growth of plant life. He argued that the controlling factor in eutrophication is not nitrate but phosphate. |
feed | An actor who gives a feed to a fellow performer. A feed pipe. |
healthy | Indicating or promoting good health. Staying fit and healthy. |
ingestion | The process of taking food, drink, or another substance into the body by swallowing or absorbing it. Vomiting after ingestion of contaminated food. |
intake | Land reclaimed from a moor or common. Cut rectangular holes for the air intake. |
nourishing | Of or providing nourishment. Good nourishing stew. |
nourishment | A source of materials to nourish the body. She was starved of emotional nourishment. |
nutrient | Any substance (such as a chemical element or inorganic compound) that can be taken in by a green plant and used in organic synthesis. Fish is a source of many important nutrients including protein vitamins and minerals. |
nutriment | A source of materials to nourish the body. He took the Bible for spiritual nutriment. |
nutrition | The branch of science that deals with nutrients and nutrition particularly in humans. A guide to good nutrition. |
nutritional | Of or relating to or providing nutrition. Nutritional deficiencies in the diet. |
nutritionist | A person who studies or is an expert in nutrition. |
nutritious | Of or providing nourishment. Home cooked burgers make a nutritious meal. |
nutritive | Relating to nutrition. The food was low in nutritive value. |
provender | Food. To raise the prices of provender for cattle importation has been severely curtailed. |
regimen | A prescribed course of medical treatment, diet, or exercise for the promotion or restoration of health. A regimen of one or two injections per day. |
supplement | A supplementary component that improves capability. The handout is a supplement to the official manual. |
sustenance | A source of materials to nourish the body. Poor rural economies turned to potatoes for sustenance. |
victuals | Any substance that can be used as food. |
vitamin | A pill containing a specified amount of a particular vitamin or vitamins taken as a dietary supplement. Most people can get all the vitamins they need from a healthy diet. |
wholesome | Conducive to or characterized by moral well-being. The food is plentiful and very wholesome. |
wholesomeness | The quality of being beneficial and generally good for you. |