PRAYERS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PRAYERS?

Need another word that means the same as “prayers”? Find 6 synonyms and 30 related words for “prayers” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Prayers” are: appeal, entreaty, supplicant, supplication, orison, petition

Prayers as a Noun

Definitions of "Prayers" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “prayers” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • Earnest or urgent request.
  • The act of communicating with a deity (especially as a petition or in adoration or contrition or thanksgiving.
  • Someone who prays to God.
  • A fixed text used in praying.
  • Reverent petition to a deity.

Synonyms of "Prayers" as a noun (6 Words)

appealThe quality of being attractive or interesting.
A look of appeal on his face.
entreatyAn earnest or humble request.
An entreaty to stop the fighting.
orisonReverent petition to a deity.
petitionReverent petition to a deity.
She was asked to sign a petition against plans to build on the local playing fields.
supplicantOne praying humbly for something.
We are equals and not supplicants begging for work.
supplicationA prayer asking God’s help as part of a religious service.
He fell to his knees in supplication.

Usage Examples of "Prayers" as a noun

  • The priest sank to his knees in prayer.

Associations of "Prayers" (30 Words)

appealAttractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates.
They have 48 hours to appeal the decision.
begAcquire food or money from someone by begging.
A young woman was begging in the street.
beseechAsk (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat.
They earnestly beseeched his forgiveness.
buddhismThe teaching of Buddha that life is permeated with suffering caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire ceases, and that enlightenment obtained through right conduct and wisdom and meditation releases one from desire and suffering and rebirth.
calvaryAny experience that causes intense suffering.
churchThe body of people who attend or belong to a particular local church.
Some people go to church every Sunday.
conjureSummon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic.
She had forgotten how to conjure up the image of her mother s face.
entreatTreat (someone) in a specified manner.
The King I fear hath ill entreated her.
entreatyAn earnest or humble request.
An entreaty to stop the fighting.
imploreCall upon in supplication; entreat.
He implored her to change her mind.
invocationA prayer asking God’s help as part of a religious service.
His invocation of the ancient powers of Callanish.
litanyA litany contained in the Book of Common Prayer.
A litany of failures.
majesticallyWith impressive beauty or scale.
The steep slopes of the valley floor rise majestically skywards.
monkUnited States jazz pianist who was one of the founders of the bebop style (1917-1982.
mosqueA Muslim place of worship that usually has a minaret.
offertoryAn anthem accompanying the offertory.
They donated the money to a collection which was brought up at the offertory.
petitionReverent petition to a deity.
The Act allowed couples to petition for divorce after one year of marriage.
pleaA defendant’s answer by a factual matter (as distinguished from a demurrer.
He made a dramatic plea for disarmament.
pleadMake an allegation in an action or other legal proceeding especially answer the previous pleading of the other party by denying facts therein stated or by alleging new facts.
I pleaded with him to stop.
pleaseUsed to ask someone to stop doing something of which the speaker disapproves.
He arranged a fishing trip to please his son.
prayAddress a prayer to God or another deity.
Pray to the Lord.
priestessA female priest of a non-Christian religion.
solicitationThe act of asking for or trying to obtain something from someone.
People objected to receiving telephone solicitations.
suppliantOne praying humbly for something.
A suppliant sinner seeking forgiveness.
supplicantOne praying humbly for something.
We are equals and not supplicants begging for work.
supplicateMake a humble, earnest petition.
Supplicate for permission.
supplicationA humble request for help from someone in authority.
He fell to his knees in supplication.
synagogue(Judaism) the place of worship for a Jewish congregation.
templeA thing regarded as holy or likened to a temple especially a person s body.
A temple of science.
temporalCharacteristic of or devoted to the temporal world as opposed to the spiritual world.
Temporal matters of but fleeting moment.

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