SUPERIMPOSED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SUPERIMPOSED?

Need another word that means the same as “superimposed”? Find 2 synonyms and 30 related words for “superimposed” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Superimposed” are: overlying, layered

Superimposed as an Adjective

Definitions of "Superimposed" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “superimposed” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • With one layer on top of another.
  • Placed or laid over something else, typically so that both things are still evident.
  • Placed on or over something else.

Synonyms of "Superimposed" as an adjective (2 Words)

layered(of a plant) propagated as a layer.
The current trend for layered clothes.
overlyingPlaced on or over something else.
An overlying image.

Usage Examples of "Superimposed" as an adjective

  • Superimposed images of frantically swarming insects.
  • Different stone tools were found in superimposed layers.
  • Superimposed rocks.

Associations of "Superimposed" (30 Words)

alignAlign oneself with a group or a way of thinking.
The fan blades are carefully aligned.
avenueA broad road in a town or city, typically having trees at regular intervals along its sides.
Three possible avenues of research suggested themselves.
boulevardA wide street or thoroughfare.
Sunset Boulevard.
busyOf facilities such as telephones or lavatories unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability engaged is a British term for a busy telephone line.
A busy seaport.
convergenceThe approach of an infinite series to a finite limit.
These bivalves have assumed similar characters by convergence.
convergent(of thought) tending to follow only well-established patterns.
One of the most bizarre examples of convergent evolution concerns the so called periodical cicadas.
crisscrossMarked with crossing lines.
Wrinkles crisscrossed her face.
crossA cross as an emblem of Christianity.
Michele sat back and crossed her arms.
crossingThe action of crossing something.
A short ferry crossing.
crossroadA junction where one street or road crosses another.
crosswalkA path (often marked) where something (as a street or railroad) can be crossed to get from one side to the other.
delineationA graphic or vivid verbal description.
The eventual delineation of the border between the two states.
heapPut objects or a loose substance in a heap.
A heap of cardboard boxes.
intersectDivide (something) by passing or lying across it.
Lines of latitude and longitude intersect at right angles.
intersectionA representation of common ground between theories or phenomena.
His course is on a direct intersection with ours.
junctionAn act of joining or adjoining things.
The junction of two roundels produces a triangular space.
juxtaposePlace or deal with close together for contrasting effect.
Black and white photos of slums were starkly juxtaposed with colour images.
laterallyAt, towards, or from the side or sides; sideways.
Think laterally about new ways of using limited resources.
lineationThe line that appears to bound an object.
Magnetic lineations.
montageA sequence of film made using the technique of montage.
A montage of photographs.
overlapA part or amount which overlaps.
There are many overlaps between the approaches.
partiallyTo some extent; in some degree; not wholly.
A partially open door.
passAny authorization to pass or go somewhere.
South bids 1NT North passes.
pedestrianLacking wit or imagination.
A pedestrian bridge.
portionSomething determined in relation to something that includes it.
One end of the barn was portioned off for poultry.
roadA railroad.
Clara had to walk in the road to avoid black plastic rubbish sacks.
roadwayA road (especially that part of a road) over which vehicles travel.
sideThe amount of writing needed to fill one side of a sheet of paper.
Whose side are you on.
streetThe streets of a city viewed as a depressed environment in which there is poverty and crime and prostitution and dereliction.
The narrow winding streets of Edinburgh.
thoroughfareA road or path forming a route between two places.
The middle bedroom is a thoroughfare to the bathroom.

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