SUPPLICANT DEFINITION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SUPPLICANT DEFINITION?

Need another word that means the same as “supplicant definition”? Find 30 related words for “supplicant definition” in this overview.

Associations of "Supplicant definition" (30 Words)

adjureCommand solemnly.
I adjure you to tell me the truth.
appeal(of the bowler or fielders) call on the umpire to declare a batsman out, traditionally with a shout of ‘How’s that?’.
I appealed to the law of 1900.
askRequire or ask for as a price or condition.
Has he asked you out yet.
askingThe verbal act of requesting.
begAcquire food or money from someone by begging.
He begged his fellow passengers for help.
beseechAsk (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat.
You have got to believe me Violet beseeched him.
cadgeAsk for or obtain (something to which one is not strictly entitled.
He cadged fivers off old school friends.
conjureCall (an image) to the mind.
They hoped to conjure up the spirit of their dead friend.
demandThe act of demanding.
His demands for attention were unceasing.
desperatelyIn a way that shows despair.
The soil desperately needed potash.
entreatTreat (someone) in a specified manner.
A message had been sent entreating aid for the Navahos.
entreatyEarnest or urgent request.
An entreaty to stop the fighting.
exhortationThe act of exhorting; an earnest attempt at persuasion.
No amount of exhortation had any effect.
invitationThe action of inviting someone to go somewhere or to do something.
A wedding invitation.
inviteInvite someone to one s house.
Applications are invited for the post of Director.
necessaryAbsolutely essential.
It s not necessary for you to be here.
necessityAnything indispensable.
The necessity of providing parental guidance.
needHave need of.
I don t need your sarcasm.
pagingCalling out the name of a person (especially by a loudspeaker system.
The public address system in the hospital was used for paging.
petitionWrite a petition for something to somebody request formally and in writing.
The organization is petitioning the EU for a moratorium on the patent.
pleaA defendant’s answer by a factual matter (as distinguished from a demurrer.
He made a dramatic plea for disarmament.
pleadMake an allegation in an action or other legal proceeding especially answer the previous pleading of the other party by denying facts therein stated or by alleging new facts.
She was pleading insanity.
prayerThe act of communicating with a deity (especially as a petition or in adoration or contrition or thanksgiving.
I ll say a prayer for him.
recourseAct of turning to for assistance.
His only recourse was the police.
requestThe verbal act of requesting.
The club s excursion was postponed at the request of some of the members.
solicitMake a solicitation or petition for something desired.
The young man was caught soliciting in the park.
solicitationThe act of accosting someone and offering one’s or someone else’s services as a prostitute.
A solicitation to the king for relief.
suppliantHumbly entreating.
Their faces were wary and suppliant.
supplicateAsk for humbly or earnestly, as in prayer.
He supplicated the King for clemency.
wooSeek the favour, support, or custom of.
Pop stars are being wooed by film companies eager to sign them up.

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