Need another word that means the same as “uncertain”? Find 45 synonyms and 30 related words for “uncertain” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Uncertain” are: unsealed, changeable, unsettled, incertain, unsure, unknown, undetermined, unresolved, pending, in the balance, in limbo, up in the air, debatable, open to question, in doubt, variable, varying, irregular, fitful, unpredictable, unreliable, unstable, erratic, fluctuating, doubtful, dubious, undecided, indecisive, irresolute, hesitant, wavering, vacillating, oscillating, vague, hazy, unclear, ambivalent, in two minds, torn, hesitating, tentative, halting, faltering, unconfident, diffident
Uncertain as an Adjective
Definitions of "Uncertain" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “uncertain” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Not established beyond doubt; still undecided or unknown.
- Subject to change.
- Lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance.
- (of a person) not completely confident or sure of something.
- Not consistent or dependable.
- Ambiguous (especially in the negative.
- Not established or confirmed.
- Not able to be relied on; not known or definite.
- Not certain to occur; not inevitable.

Synonyms of "Uncertain" as an adjective (45 Words)
ambivalent | Having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone. Was ambivalent about having children. |
changeable | Subject to change. The weather will be changeable with rain at times. |
debatable | Open to doubt or debate. It is debatable whether the country is coming out of recession. |
diffident | Showing modest reserve. She was diffident when offering a comment on the professor s lecture. |
doubtful | Improbable. The candidate s doubtful past. |
dubious | Not to be relied upon; suspect. Dubious about agreeing to go. |
erratic | Liable to sudden unpredictable change. Erratic winds are the bane of a sailor. |
faltering | Unsteady in speech or action. He is now all set to take his first faltering steps. |
fitful | Occurring in spells and often abruptly. Fitful or interrupted sleep. |
fluctuating | Rising and falling irregularly in number or amount. Fluctuating prices. |
halting | Fragmentary or halting from emotional strain. She speaks halting English with a heavy accent. |
hazy | Indistinct or hazy in outline. It was a beautiful day but quite hazy. |
hesitant | Lacking decisiveness of character; unable to act or decide quickly or firmly. Clients are hesitant about buying. |
hesitating | Lacking decisiveness of character; unable to act or decide quickly or firmly. His hesitating delivery. |
in doubt | Directed or bound inward. |
in limbo | Currently fashionable. |
in the balance | Directed or bound inward. |
in two minds | Currently fashionable. |
incertain | Lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance. |
indecisive | Not definitely settling something. An indecisive manager brought the enterprise to a standstill. |
irregular | (of troops) not belonging to regular or established army units. His strong irregular features. |
irresolute | Uncertain how to act or proceed. She stood irresolute outside his door. |
open to question | Affording free passage or access. |
oscillating | Having periodic vibrations. |
pending | About to happen; imminent. Nine cases were still pending. |
tentative | Done without confidence; hesitant. A tentative conclusion. |
torn | Disrupted by the pull of contrary forces. Torn between love and hate. |
unclear | Not clear to the mind. The motive for this killing is unclear. |
unconfident | Not confident; hesitant. The airmen were young but not unconfident. |
undecided | Characterized by indecision. The jury remained undecided. |
undetermined | Not yet having been ascertained or determined. Of undetermined species. |
unknown | Being or having an unknown or unnamed source. An unknown amount. |
unpredictable | Unknown in advance. The unpredictable weather of the Scottish islands. |
unreliable | Not able to be relied upon. He s lazy and unreliable. |
unresolved | Characterized by musical dissonance harmonically unresolved. Many problems remain unresolved. |
unsealed | Not established or confirmed. Unsealed envelopes. |
unsettled | Liable to change; unpredictable. Unsettled weather with rain and hail and sunshine coming one right after the other. |
unstable | Highly or violently reactive. An unstable world economy. |
unsure | (of a fact) not fixed or certain. Unsure of himself and his future. |
up in the air | Open. |
vacillating | Wavering between different opinions or actions; irresolute. He was accused of vacillating leadership. |
vague | Not clearly expressed or understood. A vague uneasiness. |
variable | (of a species) liable to deviate from the typical colour or form, or to occur in different colours or forms. Rainfall in the tropics is notoriously variable. |
varying | Differing in size, amount, degree, or nature. The varying angles of roof slope. |
wavering | Moving in a quivering way; flickering. The move brought back wavering voters. |

Usage Examples of "Uncertain" as an adjective
- Changes of great if uncertain consequences.
- I was uncertain how to proceed.
- Uncertain of his convictions.
- An uncertain smile.
- Without further evidence his story must remain uncertain.
- Moving with uncertain (or unsure) steps.
- She spoke in no uncertain terms.
- A manuscript of uncertain origin.
- Touched the ornaments with uncertain fingers.
- An uncertain future.
- A gun with a rather uncertain trigger.
- An uncertain recollection of events.
- The issue is uncertain.
- Everything is uncertain about the army.
- The weather is uncertain.
- Plans are still uncertain.

Associations of "Uncertain" (30 Words)
ambiguous | Not clear or decided. The election result was ambiguous. |
ambiguously | So as to be open to more than one interpretation. This letter is worded ambiguously. |
ambivalent | Having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone. Some loved her some hated her few were ambivalent about her. |
blurred | Indistinct or hazy in outline. Blurred vision. |
doubtful | Open to doubt or suspicion. The candidate s doubtful past. |
dubious | Fraught with uncertainty or doubt. I was rather dubious about the whole idea. |
equivocal | Open to question-Anna Jameson. The evidence from bacteriologic analysis was equivocal. |
equivocally | In an ambiguous manner. |
equivocate | Use ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth or avoid committing oneself. The government have equivocated too often in the past. |
evasive | Tending to avoid commitment or self-revelation, especially by responding only indirectly. His answers were brief constrained and evasive. |
floating | Borne up by or suspended in a liquid. Floating exchange rates. |
illegibility | The quality of writing (print or handwriting) that cannot be deciphered. |
imprecision | Lack of exactness or accuracy. All scientific measurements come with some degree of imprecision. |
inconclusive | Not conclusive; not putting an end to doubt or question. Inconclusive evidence. |
indecisive | Not clearly defined. He was too indecisive to carry out his political programme. |
indeterminate | Not exactly known, established, or defined. The influence of environment is indeterminate. |
insecure | (of a job or situation) liable to change for the worse; not permanent or settled. Badly paid and insecure jobs. |
irresolute | Uncertain how to act or proceed. She stood irresolute outside his door. |
nebulous | (of a concept) vague or ill-defined. Nebulous distinction between pride and conceit. |
noncommittal | Refusing to bind oneself to a particular course of action or view or the like. Her boyfriend was noncommittal about their future together. |
suspicious | Having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something. She gave him a suspicious look. |
unattached | Not married or having an established partner; single. She began to wonder if he was unattached. |
uncertainty | The state of being unsure of something. The uncertainty of the outcome. |
unclear | Not clear to the mind. The reason for their actions is unclear to this day. |
undecided | Not brought to a conclusion; subject to further thought. The match was still undecided. |
undifferentiated | Not different or differentiated. By six weeks the sexual glands are as yet undifferentiated between male and female. |
unresolved | Characterized by musical dissonance harmonically unresolved. Many problems remain unresolved. |
unsettled | Still in doubt. An unsettled issue. |
vague | Of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning. He had been very vague about his activities. |
vaguely | In a way that is unfocused or lacks attention; absent-mindedly. He vaguely remembered talking to her once. |