PLEADING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PLEADING?

Need another word that means the same as “pleading”? Find 7 synonyms and 30 related words for “pleading” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Pleading” are: plea, appeal, request, petition, cry from the heart, beseeching, imploring

Pleading as a Noun

Definitions of "Pleading" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “pleading” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • The action of making an emotional or earnest appeal to someone.
  • (law) a statement in legal and logical form stating something on behalf of a party to a legal proceeding.
  • A formal statement of the cause of an action or defence.

Synonyms of "Pleading" as a noun (5 Words)

appealA legal proceeding in which the appellant resorts to a higher court for the purpose of obtaining a review of a lower court decision and a reversal of the lower court’s judgment or the granting of a new trial.
He has 28 days in which to lodge an appeal.
cry from the heartA loud utterance; often in protest or opposition.
petitionReverent petition to a deity.
She was asked to sign a petition against plans to build on the local playing fields.
pleaA claim that a circumstance means that one should not be blamed for or should not be forced to do something.
He made a dramatic plea for disarmament.
requestA formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority.
The computer is busy servicing requests from other processes.

Usage Examples of "Pleading" as a noun

  • He ignored her pleading.
  • Counsel for the plaintiffs wanted to amend the pleadings.

Pleading as an Adjective

Definitions of "Pleading" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “pleading” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Begging.
  • Making an emotional appeal.

Synonyms of "Pleading" as an adjective (2 Words)

An imploring look.

Usage Examples of "Pleading" as an adjective

  • He gave her a pleading look.

Associations of "Pleading" (30 Words)

accostApproach with an offer of sexual favors.
Reporters accosted him in the street.
appealMake a serious, urgent, or heartfelt request.
An appeal for help.
askingThe verbal act of requesting.
begAcquire food or money from someone by begging.
They had to beg for food.
beseechAsk (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat.
They beseeched him to stay.
cadgeAsk for or obtain (something to which one is not strictly entitled.
He cadged fivers off old school friends.
conjureCall (an image) to the mind.
She had forgotten how to conjure up the image of her mother s face.
desperatelyWith great urgency.
He desperately needed a drink.
entreatAsk for or request earnestly.
His friends entreated him not to go.
entreatyEarnest or urgent request.
An entreaty to stop the fighting.
exhortationThe act of exhorting; an earnest attempt at persuasion.
No amount of exhortation had any effect.
imploreCall upon in supplication; entreat.
He implored her to change her mind.
invitationA request (spoken or written) to participate or be present or take part in something.
A wedding invitation.
inviteInvite someone to one s house.
I invited them to a restaurant.
lamentationA cry of sorrow and grief.
Scenes of lamentation.
necessaryThe money needed.
A bag containing my wallet the money the necessary.
perforceBy necessity; by force of circumstance.
Amateurs perforce have to settle for less expensive solutions.
petitionWrite a petition for something to somebody request formally and in writing.
A divorce petition.
pleaA humble request for help from someone in authority.
Her plea of a headache was not entirely false.
pleaseTake only one’s own wishes into consideration in deciding how to act or proceed.
He could do many things if he pleased.
prayAddress a prayer to God or another deity.
I prayed that James wouldn t notice.
prayerA religious service, especially a regular one, at which people gather in order to pray together.
I ll say a prayer for him.
requestThe verbal act of requesting.
To have our ideas taken seriously is surely a reasonable request.
solicitMake a solicitation or petition for something desired.
Don t solicit for money.
solicitationRequest for a sum of money.
A solicitation to the king for relief.
suppliantMaking or expressing a plea, especially to someone in power or authority.
A suppliant sinner seeking forgiveness.
supplicantMaking or expressing a plea, especially to someone in power or authority.
A supplicant serf before an ill tempered monarch.
supplicateAsk humbly (for something.
The plutocracy supplicated to be made peers.
supplicationThe act of communicating with a deity (especially as a petition or in adoration or contrition or thanksgiving.
He fell to his knees in supplication.
wooSeek someone’s favor.
Pop stars are being wooed by film companies eager to sign them up.

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