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SENSATIONAL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SENSATIONAL?

Need another word that means the same as “sensational”? Find 34 synonyms and 30 related words for “sensational” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Sensational” are: arresting, stunning, sensory, amazing, startling, astonishing, staggering, shocking, appalling, horrifying, scandalous, dramatic, melodramatic, exaggerated, overripe, sensationalist, sensationalistic, graphic, explicit, unrestrained, lurid, gorgeous, wonderful, exquisite, lovely, magnificent, dazzling, radiant, delightful, charming, enchanting, entrancing, captivating, bewitching

Sensational as an Adjective

Definitions of "Sensational" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sensational” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Commanding attention.
  • Presenting information in a way that is intended to provoke public interest and excitement, at the expense of accuracy.
  • Causing intense interest, curiosity, or emotion.
  • Causing great public interest and excitement.
  • Relating to or concerned in sensation.
  • Very good indeed; very impressive or attractive.

Synonyms of "Sensational" as an adjective (34 Words)

amazingVery impressive; excellent.
New York is an amazing city.
appallingCausing shock or dismay; horrific.
Appalling conditions.
arrestingDenoting a person or agency that seizes and detains someone by legal authority.
The arresting officer.
astonishingSurprising greatly.
I find it astonishing that they ever thought it could work.
bewitchingEnchanting or delightful.
Bewitching smile.
captivatingCapturing interest as if by a spell.
Roosevelt was a captivating speaker.
charmingPossessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers.
He was a charming affectionate colleague.
dazzlingExtremely bright, especially so as to blind the eyes temporarily.
Dazzling snow.
delightfulGreatly pleasing or entertaining.
The comedy was delightful.
dramaticUsed of a singer or singing voice that is marked by power and expressiveness and a histrionic or theatrical style.
The dramatic arts.
enchantingDelightfully charming or attractive.
Enchanting music.
entrancingCapturing interest as if by a spell.
I find you entrancing.
exaggeratedEnlarged to an abnormal degree.
An exaggerated account of his adventures.
explicitOf a person stating something in an explicit manner.
A sexually explicit blockbuster.
exquisiteIntense or sharp.
Her exquisite face.
gorgeousDazzlingly beautiful.
Gorgeous colours and exquisite decoration.
graphicOf or relating to the graphic arts British Book News.
A graphic presentation of the data.
horrifyingCausing horror; extremely shocking.
An alarming even horrifying picture.
lovelyLovable especially in a childlike or naive way.
She looked lovely.
luridPresented in vividly shocking or sensational terms.
A lurid sunset.
magnificentCharacterized by grandeur.
She paid tribute to their magnificent efforts.
melodramaticCharacteristic of melodrama, especially in being exaggerated or overemotional.
He flung the door open with a melodramatic flourish.
overripeToo ripe and beginning to turn soft.
An overripe melodrama.
radiantOf an appliance designed to emit radiant energy especially for cooking or heating.
A radiant heater.
scandalousGiving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation.
Scandalous behavior.
sensationalistPresenting stories in a way that is intended to provoke public interest or excitement, at the expense of accuracy.
Sensationalist media campaigns.
sensationalisticTypical of tabloids.
sensoryRelating to sensation or the physical senses; transmitted or perceived by the senses.
Sensory neurons.
shockingGiving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation.
The most shocking book of its time.
staggeringDeeply shocking; astonishing.
The staggering bills for maintenance and repair.
startlingVery surprising, astonishing, or remarkable.
She had startling blue eyes.
stunningCausing great astonishment and consternation.
A stunning defeat.
unrestrainedNot subject to restraint.
A display of unrestrained delight.
wonderfulInspiring delight, pleasure, or admiration; extremely good; marvellous.
They all think she s wonderful.

Usage Examples of "Sensational" as an adjective

  • A sensational murder trial.
  • Cheap sensational periodicals.
  • You look sensational.
  • A sensational view.
  • A sensational concert–one never to be forgotten.

Associations of "Sensational" (30 Words)

beholdSee or observe (someone or something, especially of remarkable or impressive nature.
Behold your lord and prince.
disturbingCausing anxiety; worrying.
Distressing or disturbing news.
dramaticPertaining to or characteristic of drama.
A dramatic sunset.
excitingStimulating interest and discussion.
One of the most exciting matches I ve ever seen.
hauntingThe action of haunting a place.
The sweet haunting sound of pan pipes.
imposingImpressive in appearance.
The monarch s imposing presence.
impressiveMaking a strong or vivid impression.
Impressive achievements in science.
indecentNot appropriate or fitting.
Was buried with indecent haste.
lavishSumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious.
He was lavished with gifts.
lecheryExcessive or offensive sexual desire; lustfulness.
The vice of lechery.
lewdDriven by lust; preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires.
She began to gyrate to the music and sing a lewd song.
libidinousShowing excessive sexual drive; lustful.
Libidinous teenagers.
luridHorrible in fierceness or savagery.
The more lurid details of the massacre were too frightening for the children.
movingArousing or capable of arousing deep emotion.
A constantly moving crowd.
obsceneDesigned to incite to indecency or lust.
The dance often becomes flagrantly obscene.
outrageousGreatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation.
The outrageous claims made by the previous government.
poignantEvoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.
The poignant scent of her powder.
prurientHaving or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters, especially the sexual activity of others.
Prurient literature.
raunchyShabby or grubby.
A raunchy novel.
ridiculouslySo as to cause surprise or disbelief.
It had been ridiculously easy to track him down.
saintlinessThe quality or state of being saintly; holiness.
Her selfless behaviour borders on saintliness.
salaciousSuggestive of or tending to moral looseness.
Salacious stories.
salientRepresented as leaping (rampant but leaning forward.
Salient traits.
shockingVery bad.
The most shocking book of its time.
spectacularBeautiful in a dramatic and eye-catching way.
A spectacular display of northern lights.
staggeringSo surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm.
The staggering bills for maintenance and repair.
stimulatingEncouraging or arousing interest or enthusiasm.
A rich and stimulating working environment.
strikingThe action of striking.
The murder bore a striking similarity to an earlier shooting.
touchingThe event of something coming in contact with the body.
Your loyalty is very touching.

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