STICK OUT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for STICK OUT?

Need another word that means the same as “stick out”? Find 30 related words for “stick out” in this overview.

Associations of "Stick out" (30 Words)

adhereBe a devoted follower or supporter.
Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall.
bethinkCome to think.
He bethought himself of the verse from the Book of Proverbs.
branchA part of a forked or branching shape.
A branch of mathematics called graph theory.
drillMake a hole in or through something by using a drill.
Language learning drills.
hornetLarge stinging paper wasp.
impale(of a coat of arms) adjoin (another coat of arms) on the same shield.
The enemies were impaled and left to die.
nudgeApproach (an age, figure, or level) very closely.
He gave her shoulder a nudge.
offshootA thing that develops from something else.
Commercial offshoots of universities.
pangA sudden sharp feeling.
A pang of conscience.
Perforate the sheets of paper.
pierceCut or make a way through.
The cold pierced her bones.
pokeProd and stir a fire with a poker to make it burn more fiercely.
He poked Benny in the ribs and pointed.
punchDrive forcibly as if by a punch.
I punched the button to summon the lift.
pushingThe act of applying force in order to move something away.
The pushing is good exercise.
slotPlace an object into a slot typically one specifically designed to receive it.
Slot a television program.
spinyDifficult to understand or handle.
A spiny cactus.
stabA wound made by stabbing.
Impatient stabs of his finger.
stakeTie or fasten to a stake.
Stake out the path.
stickerAn adhesive label or notice, generally printed or illustrated.
A disabled sticker for our car.
stingWound or pierce with a sting.
She felt the sharp sting of tears behind her eyelids.
thatchCover with thatch.
Scarify the lawn to remove debris and thatch.
thornA thorny bush shrub or tree especially a hawthorn.
The issue has become a thorn in renewing the peace talks.
twigBranch out in a twiglike manner.
The lightning bolt twigged in several directions.
twinge(of a part of the body) suffer a sudden, sharp localized pain.
Twinges of conscience.
waspA solitary winged insect with a narrow waist mostly distantly related to the social wasps and including many parasitic kinds.
wattleBuild of or with wattle.
wedgeA heel on a wedge shoe.
A wedge of cheese.

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