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VIVID: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for VIVID?

Need another word that means the same as “vivid”? Find 46 synonyms and 30 related words for “vivid” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Vivid” are: graphic, lifelike, pictorial, intense, bright, brilliant, evocative, realistic, faithful, authentic, clear, detailed, lucid, striking, arresting, impressive, colourful, rich, dramatic, picturesque, lively, stimulating, interesting, fascinating, scintillating, glowing, radiant, vibrant, strong, bold, deep, warm, flaming, flamboyant, glaring, eye-catching, dynamic, powerful, fiery, animated, spirited, vital, vigorous, energetic, vivacious, zestful

Vivid as an Adjective

Definitions of "Vivid" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “vivid” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Having the clarity and freshness of immediate experience.
  • Having strong or striking color.
  • Producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
  • Having the highest saturation.
  • Having striking color.
  • (of a person or animal) lively and vigorous.
  • (of color) having the highest saturation.
  • (of a colour) intensely deep or bright.
  • Evoking lifelike images within the mind.

Synonyms of "Vivid" as an adjective (46 Words)

animatedMade to appear to move as living creatures do.
An animated cartoon.
arrestingDenoting a person or agency that seizes and detains someone by legal authority.
An arresting drawing of people turning into animals.
authentic(in existentialist philosophy) relating to or denoting an emotionally appropriate, significant, purposive, and responsible mode of human life.
The letter is now accepted as an authentic document.
boldFearless and daring.
Bold settlers on some foreign shore.
brightNot made dim or less bright.
A bright tie.
brilliantClear and sharp and ringing.
A brilliant solution to the problem.
clearClear of charges or deductions.
A clear profit.
colourfulStriking in variety and interest.
A colourful account.
deepRelatively deep or strong affecting one deeply.
Hit the ball to deep center field.
detailed(of a work of art) executed with many minor decorative features.
More detailed information was needed.
dramaticRelating to drama or the performance or study of drama.
A dramatic sunset.
dynamicOf or relating to dynamics.
A dynamic market.
energeticRelating to or characterized by energy (in the technical sense.
An energetic fund raiser for the college.
evocativeBringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind.
The building s cramped interiors are highly evocative of past centuries.
eye-catchingSeizing the attention.
faithfulNot having sexual relations with anyone except your husband or wife, or your boyfriend or girlfriend.
Employees who had notched up decades of faithful service.
fascinatingCapturing interest as if by a spell.
A fascinating story.
fieryShowing strong emotion, typically anger.
Fiery oratory.
flamboyantOf or denoting a style of French Gothic architecture marked by wavy flame-like tracery and ornate decoration.
A flamboyant bow tie.
flamingVery hot.
Her flaming hair.
glaringGiving out or reflecting a strong or dazzling light.
Their glaring eyes.
glowingHighly enthusiastic.
Glowing praise.
graphicDescribing nudity or sexual activity in graphic detail.
A graphic presentation of the data.
impressiveMaking a strong or vivid impression.
An impressive ceremony.
intenseExtremely sharp or intense.
The heat was intense.
interestingArousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention.
It will be very interesting to see what they come up with.
lifelikeEvoking lifelike images within the mind.
A lifelike portrait.
lively(of a boat) rising lightly to the waves.
A lively period in history.
lucidHaving a clear mind.
Lucid directions.
pictorialPertaining to or consisting of pictures.
Pictorial perspective.
picturesque(of a place or building) visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way.
Ruined abbeys and picturesque villages.
powerfulPossessing physical strength and weight rugged and powerful.
Computers are now more compact and powerful.
radiantOf an appliance designed to emit radiant energy especially for cooking or heating.
He praised her radiant self confidence.
realisticRepresenting what is real; not abstract or ideal.
A realistic novel.
richMarked by richness and fullness of flavor.
A protein rich diet.
scintillatingHaving brief brilliant points or flashes of light.
Scintillating wit.
spiritedMade lively or spirited.
A spirited campaigner for women s rights.
stimulatingThat stimulates.
A rich and stimulating working environment.
strikingSensational in appearance or thrilling in effect.
It is striking that no research into the problem is being carried out.
strongStrong and sure.
She cut through the water with her strong arms.
vibrantOf colors that are bright and striking.
A vibrant cosmopolitan city.
vigorousStrong, healthy, and full of energy.
A vigorous foreign policy.
vitalFull of spirit; full of life.
The wound is vital.
vivaciousAttractively lively and animated (typically used of a woman.
A charming and vivacious hostess.
warmPsychologically warm friendly and responsive.
A warm debate arose.
zestfulMarked by spirited enjoyment.
A zestful and exuberant player.

Usage Examples of "Vivid" as an adjective

  • A vivid description.
  • A bird with vivid plumage.
  • Vivid green.
  • A vivid recollection.
  • Memories of that evening were still vivid.
  • The rhododendron bush provides a vivid splash of mauve.

Associations of "Vivid" (30 Words)

accurateOf an instrument or method capable of giving accurate information.
The accounting was accurate.
animatedMade to appear to move as living creatures do.
Animated puppets.
brightWith brightness.
The room was bright and airy.
colorfulStriking in variety and interest.
Colorful autumn leaves.
descriptionA spoken or written account of a person, object, or event.
It is laughably easy to buy drugs of all descriptions.
detailedHaving many details or facts; showing attention to detail.
A detailed plan.
ebullient(of liquid or matter) boiling or agitated as if boiling.
She sounded ebullient and happy.
eideticOf visual imagery of almost photographic accuracy.
An eidetic memory.
evocationImaginative re-creation.
The vivid evocation of stillness in the title poem.
exactitudeCare and attention to detail.
A man of great exactitude.
graphicA graphical item displayed on a screen or stored as data.
Graphic accounts of battle.
illustrationA visual representation (a picture or diagram) that is used make some subject more pleasing or easier to understand.
By way of illustration I refer to the following case.
iridescentShowing luminous colours that seem to change when seen from different angles.
An iridescent oil slick.
lifelikeEvoking lifelike images within the mind.
A lifelike portrait.
livelyDifficult or challenging.
A lively period in history.
meticulousMarked by precise accordance with details.
Almost worryingly meticulous in his business formalities.
monochromaticOf or relating to monochromatism.
It employs diffraction to focus monochromatic light.
painstakinglyWith great care and thoroughness.
The property has been painstakingly restored by its current owners.
paintedLacking substance or vitality as if produced by painting.
The painted desert.
pedanticMarked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects.
His analyses are careful and even painstaking but never pedantic.
pertCharacterized by a lightly pert and exuberant quality.
She had a pert nose and deep blue eyes.
pictorialPertaining to or consisting of pictures.
Pictorial records.
picturesqueStrikingly expressive.
A picturesque village.
polychromeColor with many colors make polychrome.
Painters gilded and polychromed the wooden carvings.
roanA roan animal.
A blue roan.
sprightly(especially of an old person) lively; full of energy.
A sprightly dance.
vibrantQuivering; pulsating.
A huge room decorated in vibrant blues and greens.
vivaciousAttractively lively and animated (typically used of a woman.
A charming and vivacious hostess.

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