INTENSIFIED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for INTENSIFIED?

Need another word that means the same as “intensified”? Find 30 related words for “intensified” in this overview.

Associations of "Intensified" (30 Words)

augmentEnlarge or increase.
The recent speech of the president augmented tensions in the Near East.
bolsterProp up with a pillow or bolster.
They bolstered the seats for a more comfortable ride.
bondMoney that must be forfeited by the bondsman if an accused person fails to appear in court for trial.
There was a bond of understanding between them.
braceSupport or hold steady and make steadfast with or as if with a brace.
A neck brace.
cooperationThe action or process of working together to the same end.
Their cooperation with us was essential for the success of our mission.
deepenMake more intense, stronger, or more marked.
They deepened the lake so that bigger pleasure boats could use it.
defensibleJustifiable by argument.
A morally defensible penal system.
developmentA district that has been developed to serve some purpose.
A major housing development in Essex.
enhanceIntensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.
This will enhance your enjoyment.
escalateMake or become more intense or serious.
We do not want to escalate the war.
exacerbateExasperate or irritate.
The exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem.
fortifyAdd nutrients to.
Most commercial brands of almond milk are fortified with vitamins A, D, B2, B12, calcium, and zinc.
hardenCause to accept or become hardened to habituate.
Wait for the glue to harden.
heightenMake or become more intense.
The pleasure was heightened by the sense of guilt that accompanied it.
increaseThe amount by which something increases.
He gave me an increase in salary.
intensificationThe act of increasing the contrast of (a photographic film.
The intensification of the conflict.
intensionThe internal content of a concept.
intensityThe amount of energy transmitted (as by acoustic or electromagnetic radiation.
He adjusted the intensity of the sound.
meliorateGet better.
optimizeAct as an optimist and take a sunny view of the world.
We manage our time so that we optimize our productivity.
ossifyMake rigid and set into a conventional pattern.
These tracheal cartilages may ossify.
reinforceStrengthen and support with rewards.
Let s reinforce good behavior.
reinforcementA stimulus that strengthens or weakens the behavior that produced it.
His gestures provided eloquent reinforcement for his complaints.
riseThe property possessed by a slope or surface that rises.
The activists urged militant factions to rise up.
sharpenMake or become sharp or sharper.
They ve got to sharpen up in front of the goal.
strengthCapability in terms of personnel and materiel that affect the capacity to fight a war.
The solution comes in two strengths.
strengthenGive a healthy elasticity to.
Strengthen the relations between the two countries.
strongholdA strongly fortified defensive structure.
A Labour stronghold.
toughenMake or become stronger or more resilient.
Proposals to toughen up sentencing policy.
wideningThe act of making something wider.

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